Interview mit Gabriel Franco von Unto Others

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Idle Hands‘ career was just starting to pick up speed when it was abruptly halted again – by the Corona pandemic on the one hand and a name dispute on the other. As UNTO OTHERS, the young Americans, who are about to make goth rock and post punk cool again, are now really taking off – with Roadrunner Records behind them and an upcoming big tour with Behemoth and Arch Enemy. Gabriel Franco explains how it feels to be signed to a major label, what’s behind the album title „Strength“ and how he feels about religion.


Since our last interview you had to change the bands name – how did that happen?
We didnt own the rights tot he name when we signed to Roadrunner, and the owners wouldnt sell. Simple as that honestly. In the USA you cannot conduct business under a name you do not own, otherwise you are open to a slew of legal complications that could destroy the band later on.

Why UNTO OTHERS? Is it still just a surrogate name for you, or have you already fully „accepted“ it?
There is no such thing as a surrogate name for us and it never was. I accepted it since the decision was made over a year ago. Each day it becomes more real of course

Ein schwarzes Pferd als Cover des Albums "Strength" von UNTO OTHERSThe new album is called „Strength“ – what does the title refer to?
Strength… (laughs) No but I suppose struggle, perserverance and power. It’s open to interpretation but i’m sure the average listener will develop their own connection to the title just like I have

You have changed from the underground label Eisenwald to Roadrunner – is the change big? Where do you see the advantages, but maybe also disadvantages, of being only a small band on a major label now?
Well you of course become the small fish in the big pond and have to fight harder for attention. I still work with Eisenwald on deluxe releases of the music, and they actually designed the layout for the current record as well. You want to be a big dog, you gotta play with the big dogs, thats what we are doing now, for better or worse

One song is called „When Will Gods Work Be Done“. Does it have a religious approach, are you religious?
That is a song about a massacre, through a power trip of a man with a god complex. I am not a religious person in the sense I do not subscribe to established religious institutions. I have my own thoughts about life, death and the universe, and the best part is I get to keep them all to myself.

UNTO OTHERS © Peter Beste

Musically the album is a bit harder, a bit less catchy, I think. How did this development come about?
It just did. It was bound to be different in someway, and I am glad it is. I’m just taking my steps forward in my musical journey.

The opener, „Heroin“, has a riff that strongly reminds you of Rammstein’s „Weidmanns Heil“ – do you know the song?
No actually, and I love rammstein, Ill listen to it now.

You work a lot with samples on the album – don’t you see the risk of making the music too kitschy?
Nope, I simply do not care. If someone doesnt like it they have the freedom to not listen to it. It really is a beautiful and simplistic thing.

Personally, I find the album very restless at times, which is also due to the mix: when solo tracks are added, etc., there are sometimes strong breaks – can you understand that, how do you think about that?
I love to keep up the energy, I want every part to hit with the ferocity or lack-thereof that it deserves. Music should make you want to move, mentally or physically

UNTO OTHERS © Peter Beste

You were just taking off when the pandemic hit – how much did that slow you down, do you think it will affect your career?
It already has, unfortunately I dont own a crystal ball so I cant answer you with certainty, but I can say that we have not stopped, and are not stopping soon. God willing

You are going on tour with big bands again soon – musically you seem to be the outsiders in the billing. Do you feel comfortable opening for Behemoth and Arch Enemy?
Yes of course, if you recall we opened for Tribulation, Uada, Gaahls Wyrd, King Diamond, etc…. We have no shortage of experience being the outsiders per se, and to be honest with you, I think that begs the question, are we really outsiders?

Thanks for your time. The last words are yours – is there anything left you want to tell our readers?
„Strength“ is out worldwide on Roadrunner records. We will see you live in Germany in 2022!

Thank you very much for the interview.
Thank you very much as well, I appreciate it!


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2 Kommentare zu “Unto Others

  1. Eines dieser Interviews, welches völlig uninteressant zu lesen ist, weil die Antworten absolut nichtssagend sind. Auf die Fragen wird kaum eingegangen, man hat das Gefühl, dass das ganze eben nur ein weiteres lästiges Interview für den Herrn darstellt und sich deswegen die Antworten aus Allgemeinplätzen ergeben.

    1. Tja, was soll ich sagen. Wo du Recht hast, hast du Recht … ein typisches Problem von Mail-Interviews, da man hier leider keine Möglichkeit hat, nochmal nachzufassen/konkretere Antworten einzufordern … aber eben auch von Musikern, die nicht mehr als nötig rauslassen wollen.

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