Interview mit Thomas „Sarke“ Berglie von Tulus

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Apart from a short phase between 1996 and 1999, when TULUS released three albums, the Norwegians were never very productive. This seems to change now – at least „Fandens Kall“ followed only three years after „Old Old Death“. We talked to drummer Thomas „Sarke“ Berglie about the album, his cyclical way of working with KHOLD, TULUS and SARKE and paintings as cover artwork.

Only last year a new KHOLD album „Svartsyn“ was released, now you follow up directly with TULUS. In our last interview you said that you never run the bands in parallel – has that changed, or is everything happening so fast this time?
It has not changed. I don’t make music in the same period with different bands. You know, even if the two albums came out in just one year between, that does not mean that the music was made in the same period. Sometimes it can take three years from when I make the riffs until the album comes out in stores. It also have to fit the release schedule to the record company. Sometimes it can take almost a year from the album recording is done until it is released.

Because of the pandemic you couldn’t really promote the album live with KHOLD – will that still come, or is that already a closed chapter for you, now that you are active with TULUS again? And are you planning shows with TULUS, maybe even a tour?
We have booked some KHOLD-gigs. But it is true … it has not been much. With TULUS a lot was already booked in 2023, so there was not many openings for us. We will play much more in 2024. If a good tour comes up, maybe we also do that. We will for sure try to come to Germany. It has been to long now.

Besides the album, a documentary about TULUS has been released. How did this idea come about?
For us it was nice to have it recorded, so we also have something. And if someone else also want to see it, we have released it on Youtube. So the idea was just to record, what we do when we release an album.

TULUS 2023; © Morten Syreng

Let’s talk about the album itself: What does „Fandens Kall“ mean?
„Fandens Kall“ or the „Call Of Death“. The text is about dying, or being summoned to die.

What are the lyrics in general about?
The lyrics are mainly inspired by Nordic nature and history as well as the general darkness in our minds.

How important a part of your art would you classify the lyrics as?
I guess it depends on the listener how important a part the lyrics play in the overall art. The Norwegian speaking listeners might find an additional feel or atmosphere in the lyrics. But if you ask a person who writes lyrics and a music composer you will probably get two different answers.

The cover is a picture that could also hang over grandma’s dining table. What fascinates you about paintings?
Like our music. It is the real deal. I think it has a vibe and an atmosphere.

Why is it the perfect cover-artwork?
It reflects what we like and it fits our music. Norwegian wilderness.

This time you have Lena Fløitmoen as a guest, who has also been on your SARKE albums. How come you wanted her also for TULUS?
Female vocal and also keyboard and so on add some flavour to the album. We asked Lena because she is very good and has a nice voice. But we use female vocals with TULUS since our first album in 1996 and two other albums and now this one again. So its nothing new for us.

The last SARKE album was released in 2021 – will you keep this rhythm, so will there be another SARKE album next, before continuing with KHOLD and TULUS?
I guess SARKE will be next up. I have allready made a lot to that album. So more will come for sure.

To conclude the interview, as always, our brainstorming session:
Darkthrone’s Astral Fortress: It is a good heartful album. Lot of attitude.
Climate Change: The government says one thing, then they do another.  It is poorly thought out. Me as just an ordinary man, just doing what I’ve always done.
The last album you listened to: Meshuggah- Immutable
Metal Cruises: I dont know. Im blank.
TULUS in ten years: Maybe we still release albums.


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