Interview mit Thomas „Sarke“ Berglie von Sarke

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With ‘Endo Feight’, SARKE not only deliver high-quality music as usual – the band led by Thomas ‘Sarke’ Bergeli and Nocturno Culto also returns to their old virtues and takes a much more rocking approach than their last album. Sarke explains how this came about and what you can expect from SARKE, but also from his other bands TULUS and KHOLD.


Hi, nice of you to take the time for an interview again. We just had it with KHOLD a few weeks ago, today we’re focussing on SARKE. Your new album is called ‘Endo Feight’ – what does it mean, and why is it the perfect title for this album?
Thank you to give SARKE the attention. It is our eighth album. So „end of eight“ sounds good to me. It also gives the feel of „end of faith“. The clock of doom on the cover also count down to the end. So I think the title fits perfect.

Musically, I think you’re taking a step back towards a more raw sound and songwriting – the previous album was more progressive. Do you agree, and if so, what do you attribute this to?
I am a fan of our first album, so if you think we go back to that area, I am pleased. I actually work in the same way on this album like I did on the first one. No rules. Trying to make just the music I want. I usually do that, but in a way you still follow a template. This time again I focussed to just make the music in a flow I wanted. I have not thought about if it is less or more progressive. I am not sure. The sound is very true, honest and open.

SARKE 2024; © Marcel Lelienhof

The slightly rougher sound, in combination with the spherical synths, reminds me a bit of the new album that NC recorded with Darkthrone. Do you also recognize parallels?
I will say it’s quite a big difference … but I understand what you mean. To give the songs some organic atmosphere. With Darkthrone it’s more added to create an atmosphere. With SARKE it’s much more up front. It’s a big part of the whole sound and also the songs.

The last album was recorded by Cato Bekkevold, this time you played drums yourself again. Why didn’t you play on the last one, but you did on this one?
We have used several different drummers in SARKE. On the last ones, we used was Cato. He is a friend of mine from way back. He is also a very good drummer. I wanted to work with him on an album. On this new album, I wanted to play myself again. When I made the songs and got the feel of the album, I thought it would fit me good. I am a drummer, so I should have played the drums on all the albums. But sometimes it’s cool to work with other drummers.

Cover Artwork des Albums Endo Feight der Band SarkeThe cover, on the other hand, is once again very modern. Why do you think it fits the music perfectly, what does it symbolize for you?
I see it more like a timeless cover. I think it fits both the music and lyrics. It’s dark, mysterious and dramatic. It symbolizes the dark times. The countdown to extinction.

It’s by Kjetil Nystuen, who, as far as I’ve seen, hasn’t really made a name for himself as a cover artist. How did you find him?
He has actually done several big and great work, but not much for music. He has done cover artwork for some of the biggest movies in Norway, tons of book covers, and he has also worked within the world of gaming. Furthermore, he lives near me, that’s why I know him. I think the album cover is awesome.

Is it an AI-generated image? I’m not sure, but it could be … 
Not at all!

What’s your general opinion on the subject of AI artwork? There have already been some awful, but also quite respectable attempts … and I’m sure there will be more.
AI has come and will just be bigger. It’s inevitable. AI is a cool thing.

SARKE 2024; © Marcel Lelienhof

Although you worked with the same people, the album sounds completely different. How did you approach the mix for this album, or how did you brief the people responsible, what were your sound samples, or how did you make it clear what you wanted?
I will say we have done much of the same things we always do. But we have some new equipment. I have a new drum kit as well. We also worked a bit harder and longer this time to get it how we wanted it. Lars Erik Westby in the studio did a fantastic job. We found the right combos. He also really digged deep into the mixing process. All four members did a very good job. So I guess a combination of several things made this album a bit different.

KHOLD and SARKE have now released 2024 – does that mean we can expect another TULUS album next? Is there anything to report on that yet?
TULUS will definitely release the next album. It will not be in 2024, but 2025 could a possibility. This year we will play several concerts with both, TULUS and KHOLD.

SARKE 2024; © Marcel Lelienhof

The other two bands are also playing live this year – are there any plans to bring SARKE on stage, or is Nocturno Culto not up for it? Would it be an option to play with a replacement in this case?
No SARKE gigs have been booked. We do know that Nocturno Culto is not too eager to play live. We could of course play with another vocalist. Likewise, we have done that two times before. But it’s not easy to go out and play with a different singer. I am not sure if the fans would accepted that.

Thanks for your time – let’s finish with a short brainstorming session:
Your favorite hobby outside of music: Fishing, Mountain biking
AC/DC: Great! Amazing band
If ‘Endo Feight’  were a car, which model? Ford Taunus 1976
The new Kerry King Solo album: I have only heard the single. I will say it’s in the same style as the latest he has done in Slayer. Cool that he keeps going.
A song that you turn up in the car: „Demiurge“
SARKE in ten years: I am not sure, it’s a long time …


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