Interview mit Destructhor von Nordjevel

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NORDJEVEL are without question one of the fastest and most accomplished „new“ black metal bands from Norway. In this interview, guitarist Destructhor talks about the role classic black metal themes like Satanism play in their lyrics, why EPs are still contemporary and what the hell actually is a „Gnavhòl“.

The album is titled „Gnavhòl“ – what does it mean, what is the idea behind this title?
It’s a word I put together from different words, such as gnawing, hole, peeled of flesh. But it’s also the name that can be a place. Our own gateway to hell, so to speak.

Albumcover Nordjevel - GnavholFor the cover you once again collaborated with „Khaos Dictator Design“, that is Stefan Todorović alias Atterigner. What guidelines did you give him, respectively what is the connection between the picture and the album?
On the album cover „Gnavhòl“ is portrayed as a hole into hell. We worked very closely all the way. We discuss all ideas, he gets all the music and lyrics also.We work very well together.

Thematically your lyrics seem to revolve around classic black metal themes like Satanism and anti-Christianity – is that true, or how would you describe your concept?
That is true. Also involves alot of norwegian tales and poetry. Like the song „Endritual“ and the song „Gnavhòl“ are outtakes from norwegian old poetry. There is alot of antireligious themes, hatred, and frustration over the world in the songs.

Is it more of a tradition when black metal bands deal with these topics today, or do you see a current, socio-cultural relevance here? So are the lyrics more art or message?
I can’t really speak what others think or do, or what they mean. For me, the whole of an album is what makes the whole. The music, the lyrics and the artwork must make a whole. So for me, the lyrics are just as important as the music.

NORDJEVEL 2022; © Jørn Veberg

Your album has a playing time of 54:54 minutes – that’s quite long for your style. Why do you still think it’s the right decision?
It was a long break during the pandemic, where we worked on all the music. It wasn’t really a plan how long the album would be. But the songs turned out to be the length they where. Without the bonus track it’s under 50 minutes, so it wasn’t actually more than a few minutes longer than „Necrogenesis“. I think the music is very varied and dynamic, so the album doesn’t feel long. Lots of things going on in all the songs.

The album also contains a song from the „Fenriir“ EP. You have reworked the song again, it is now also tuned lower. Didn’t you like the EP version, or why did you want to release it again in a different version?
The song was written for „Gnavhòl“, but when the pandemic hit, we decided to record the EP „Fenriir“. We had two tracks that didn’t fit the album, so we decided to include „Gnawing The Bones“ as a teaser for the album. We’re very happy with both versions. It was decided early on that we would tune down „Gnavhòl“.

The dominance of the drums in the overall sound is striking, which is completely understandable given Dominator’s incredible performance. Was that your intention to highlight his skills?
No, when the demos where finnished he received all guitar tracks, so he could start to work on what he wanted to do. We give him free reins on how he wants to approach the songs. He is so skilled as you say, that no matter how songs are written he always does an outstanding job.

You’ve also made several music videos for the album. Is this an art form that you consider a relevant part of the NORDJEVEL project, or rather a necessary evil, i.e. a promotional tool in the Youtube age?
I’ve always liked watching videos myself. It’s a way of expressing visually what the band wants to say. For me it also gives more intensity also to watch good videos with good music.It gives at least for me an extra dimension to both see and hear.


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Do you watch music videos yourself and if so, how do you define a successful music video?
Yes, I watch videos of the bands I like. It gives a new perspective,intensity and understanding of what the band itself wants to portray.

The pandemic is widely ignored, but it’s not over yet – especially in concert pre-sales there is an absolute lull. Is it possible to plan concerts under these conditions as a band of your size, so will we see you on tour in the foreseeable future?
It’s been intense in the way that everyone wants to go on tour again, and there are so many tours and concerts. We will have a european next year at some point. But I don’t know, when. And there also the Latin America tour that will be schedueled for january now.

Thank you for your time, let’s finish with our traditional brainstorming. What is the first thing that comes to your mind about these terms?
Inner demon
Germany: Highways
Emperor: „In The Nightside Eclipse“
Putin: No
Winter in Norway: cold
NORDJEVEL in 10 years: same as now


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3 Kommentare zu “Nordjevel

  1. Typisches Norweger-Interview. Liest man es nicht, hat man auch nichts verpasst. Da kann man noch so gute Fragen stellen.
    Ehrlich gesagt ist die Musik für mich aber leider oft genau so nichtssagend. Nordjevel ist so eine Band, die technisch hervorragend ist, mir fehlt nur leider immer das Quentchen Originalität…oder nennen wir es Wahnsinn, um das Ganze besonders zu machen.

    1. Tja, was soll ich dazu sagen außer ja und amen? Schlussendlich ist so ein Interview für ALLE Beteiligten völlige Zeitverschwendung, und als Redakteur ist es mir fast peinlich, unseren Lesern so einen faden Stoff vorzusetzen (aber nicht publizieren ist ja auch keine Lösung). Aber ja, das passiert gerade bei Norwegern (aber auch generell Black Metallern) leider sehr oft (die Ausnahme bestätigt die Regel, siehe Frost/Satyricon). Und ja, auch was deine Kritik an der Musik angeht, kann ich in gewissem Maße folgen. Ich finde einiges von ihnen und aus dieser Richtung (trotzdem) gut, aber wirklich spannend order originell ist das alles nicht …

      1. Da sind Interviews sächsischer Power Metal-Bands bisweilen interessanter, haha.

        Naja, klar, wenn das ganze schon getätigt wird, muss es auch veröffentlicht werden. Ist ja auch wirklich nicht gegen euch. Finde es eher spannend, dass einige, die was sagen, nicht unbedingt was zu sagen haben. Da kann man eben Glück oder Pech haben beim Interview. Hab jetzt ehrlich gesagt auch nicht so viel tiefgründiges erwartet. Aber ein bisschen mehr als „Worum geht es bei den Texten?“ – „Ja“, würde man sich von den Bands schon wünschen.
        Schade um deine Zeit! ;)

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