Over the course of just three years California metallers HAUNT rose from zero to heroes, becoming one of the tradtional metal scene’s most revered underground acts. There is no other explanation for this success than the band’s impressive work ethic as the group from Fresno released no fewer than two EPs and five albums since 2017 – three of which came out in 2020 alone. Even for „regular“ bands this is an amazing track record but it becomes all the more impressive considering that HAUNT is basically the solo project of bandleader Trevor William Church. Because of this we seized the opportunity to speak to the man about his most recent release called „Flashback“.
Hi and thanks a lot for taking time for this interview! How are you doing? I hope that you and your family are well in these unsettling times?
We are holding up and staying positive. Rex Turned 1 year old this year and it’s been the best time watching him grow.
Usually I would ask about the events since the last album, but in your case things are a little different: „Flashback“ is one of three (!) albums that HAUNT released this year alone. Is this your answer to the Corona lock down?
Not really. Mind Freeze should’ve come out in 2019 it was finished in the summer. The only new thing I recorded this year was „Flashback“. „Triumph“ is just a re recorded version of my two EP’s on one album. I got a bunch of new mixing gear and I needed an experiment so what better way then just reliving old songs. But Covid has definitely been a musical time for me.
What can you tell us about „Flashback“? And how does it differ from its predecessor (or the other two albums you released this year)?
This is always a tough question to answer because for me I just try to improve my songs by getting better as a musician. This is the first album completely done alone besides a few solo’s done by John Tucker. I’ve always written the music for Haunt so I’m not sure how it differs other than the songs that come out of me at that moment in time on the musical journey.
How did the production and recording of „Flashback“ go down?
I have my own studio „converted garage“ here in Fresno. I basically just start tracking drums right on top of the demos and I just move from instrument to instrument. It’s an interesting process to live in each instruments world while you listen to yourself back. As an artist I’ve really come to enjoy this process because I’ve spent most of my life learning how to play all the instruments needed for rock music. The big difference on this one for me was the introduction of the ribbon mic. I never really had used them before and they won me over. I have a vast assortment of mics and recording equipment and this is something I also find myself connecting to very much. I just enjoy being in my own space and creating.
HAUNT release – at least – one album every year. How does songwriting work in your band?
I write all of the music. It’s been pretty straight forward since the start of Haunt. Every album has been done a little differently. This is the first time I’ve actually felt like I got closer to what I’m trying to achieve. The material is done before I share it. When you get to be in your late 30’s it’s harder to find the time to do collaborations. Especially being a Dad now.
What bands and styles influence you the most?
This is a really endless list. I love classic rock and old school heavy metal. Its by far my favorite music but there are newer bands I love like Flight, Seven Sisters, Hell Fire, Cauldron, Enforcer. I love this type of stuff.
For the past three years, HAUNT have been a very active part of the metal scene. What’s your opinion of the current state of the genre?
I think its doing very well. I have great faith that heavy metal will live on forever.
The COVID-19 pandemic affects all areas of life but venues and bands seem to get hit especially hard. How do you feel about this?
I hate it. My life is totally different than most. I’m basically a one man band so nothing really slows me down. I also work with other bands and play drums for a few groups and I play bass for a band called Hysteria. So I’ve been active. others haven’t been as fortunate but it’s a good time to get creative and hope that once this is over we will all rock together again.
Once touring is possible again: Any chance that HAUNT will come to Germany?
Absolutely, I hope to see everyone very soon.
Thank you for the interview! Please let us do a short brainstorming in the end of this interview. What comes in your mind first reading the following terms:
Workaholic: yes
Election Year: shit show
New Wave Of True Heavy Metal: Keep it moving.
Pay To Play: negative
Future of physical media: mp3 embedded high top nikes
HAUNT in 10 years: 49 year old headbanger
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