Interview mit Bartłomiej Krysiuk von Batushka

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The dispute over the band BATUSHKA, fought out between singer Bartłomiej „Bart“ Krysiuk and guitarist Krzysztof „Derph“ Drabikowski, has been keeping fans, haters, journalists and lawyers busy for almost two years now. Almost as long we tried to get an interview with Krysiuk – now finally with success: Bart explains why „Hospodi“ didn’t get a fair chance in his opinion, clears up the ghost writer’s rumor, and makes a scathing judgement about Derph’s competition album.

Hi and thanks a lot for taking time for this interview! How are you doing?
Very good, thank you. There’s lots of work, lots of new ideas and challenges. Despite the situation that surrounds us, it is a very good time.

The split of the band was a big topic in the scene in 2019. There were injunctions and lawsuits around the band name. What is the current state of affairs?
These were all pre-trial procedures. The internet trolls were working and people were eager to pick up the topic and it turned into a soap opera. There are hundreds of such disintegrations on the metal scene, for example, Immortal, Gorgoroth, Rhapsody, or recently on the same basis as ours: Children Of Bodom. In our case, however, several people wanted to turn it into a complete mess they worked hard on it. In part, they have achieved their goal. As for the legal aspects of this case, the trial has not even started yet and will last many years. The whole case will have a completely different story then.

The dispute was held in public, and in the end the following picture emerged: You were the organizing talent in the band, with a vision for the concept, whereas Krzysztof Drabikowski was the musically creative part. Can you put it that way?
Fortunately, I did not participate in any discussion. People easily succumbed to the narrative of one side. Nowadays, it is very easy to make accusations and to slander. It is hard to liberate yourself from it. And the truth often turns out to be completely different. But then again people do not remember it anymore, and the stigma and the „mark“ remain with you. Most of the line-up that was forming BATUSHKA over the years stayed with me, and this is a measure of what was going on inside the band. People judge from perspective, residual information, or rumors. For me, the most important thing is what my band mates think about this situation. I don’t care for the rest.

After the split, Drabikowski wrote a new album which sounded very much like the debut – did you listen to „Panihida“? What do you think about this album?
The album has two good songs. The rest is average, to say the least, with a very poor production and you can hear it was rushed.

You on the other hand released an album that sounded much less like the debut but more like traditional black metal. Since this is less the case now with the new EP: What is your opinion about „Hospodi“ today?
It’s hard for me to comment on my work. Perhaps it was too early to release an album with such a radical mainstream change of sound. On the other hand, the music has to change and evolve. I think that this album will „get old“ but later than our previous release due to its hi-end sound. I also see that people who were „fed“ with the propaganda saying that „Hospodi“ is a weak album reach for it after the emotions have subsided, and then often write about it in a very positive way in the news. And this is the problem with „Hospodi“. The album’s reception was affected by the contemporary situation within the band and around us. People assessed the musical and artistic value through the lens of the soap opera that was going on on the internet. Now that the situation has calmed down, you can reach for it and evaluate it „anew“.

„Hospodi“ was – as far as I know – effectively composed as a commissioned work by Artur Rumiński (Furia/Thaw). This is very unusual, especially in metal, and reminds of pop culture, where a band image is often more important than the music a producer contributes. Can you compare this, was the central aspect of your BATUSHKA at that time more the idea of the band/stage concept than the music?
It’s another myth and one of the lies „thrown“ by haters and trolls on the internet. Artur was a full member of the band from the end of 2017. He played with us dozens of concerts with the album „Liturgiya“. Back then we did several tours, we traveled many continents together. Nobody „ordered“ anything. It was a natural creative process like in any other band. Due to this narrative, which was repeated everywhere, Artur experienced a lot of unpleasantness from the haters and ultimately decided to leave the band in mid-2019. By the way, he is a great musician and man, and he didn’t deserve what happened to him.

Were you under pressure at that time because Drabikowski had just released a new album?
Me? I think you got this wrong. The album „Hospodi“ was finished and sent to Metal Blade Records in the end of January 2019. The release date of the album was already known in February. Clearly, it wasn’t me who was under pressure. The other side was in a hurry to release the album just before our first single, and thus taking advantage of it.

Actually you wanted to tour extensively, but tours in Europe and the USA had to be cancelled – first due to illness, then because of the unsettled name rights. Can you tell us something about that time – what did it do to you? Did you consider giving up BATUSHKA?
In January 2019, I went through surgery, a gastrectomy. At first, everything was okay, but then health complications appeared and I had to postpone many of my plans. Health is the most important thing, you know? And for the record, I have never considered giving up on BATUSHKA.

Now the new EP „Raskol“ has been released, which stylistically sounds much more like your debut than „Hospodi“. Who wrote the music on this EP?
This EP is a joint effort from all the musicians in the band. The line-up that formed the group from the very beginning. All the guys who performed on „Liturgiya“ and a new guitarist who joined us in 2019 made the perfect fit. We enjoyed working on the EP and we will follow this path in the future.

In September 2019 you announced that you would also play songs from the debut album „Litourgiya“ live again in the future, after you had only played „Hospodi“ material at first. How did it come to this? Weren’t you satisfied with the „Hospodi“ shows?
No, we were and we are satisfied with the concerts promoting the „Hospodi“ album. It was the fans who demanded that some songs from the album „Liturgoya“ be added to the set, but that never happened.

Now you also have the EP material available – will you nevertheless play material from „Litourgiya“ when shows will be possible again?
We are focusing on our new material right now. Looking at the pandemic situation we will hit the road when it will be possible and safe again. We will also have a new release to promote and perform then.

In general, concerts are not possible at the moment anyway – what do you think about stream shows? Do you plan something like that?
I have to admit that we are thinking about it. When, if, and how – only time will tell…

Last time you had a big coffin and a cross on stage – but you can’t get much more out of your live concept, right? Aren’t you afraid that in the long run this will be too static and boring?
No, I’m not afraid of that. With our influences rooted in orthodoxy, there are many topics to choose from. Not to mention the liturgical „theater“ that we are influenced by. We have tons of ideas for new live shows. Batushka will always be a conceptual band where each release will be a separate story in terms of music and lyrical as well as live performances.

On the other hand, your home country Poland is generally very conservative and Christian – isn’t a concept like yours very offending then? Have you had problems because of this so far?
Yes, of course, Poland is a very specific country. We have a government that is flirting with nationalists and that’s very close to the church. It all is affecting our lives. As for BATUSHKA, we have been accused of insulting religious feelings and of desecrating a place of religious worship. Currently, this is being prosecuted so I expect we will have some considerable problems soon.

Speaking of hostility – do you think all the fuss about the band split was more of a promotion for you or did it rather harm the band’s reputation?
In part, it contributed to the promotion, on the other hand, it certainly devastated part of our image. Our anonymity, which was a very important part of BATUSHKA, suffered the most. I am very sorry about that. Being anonymous was very convenient.

Thank you for the interview! Please let us do a short brainstorming in the end of this interview. What comes in your mind first reading the following terms:
A total collapse of the event industry
Lukaschenko: Dictator
Chance for a reunion of the two BATUSHKA: None.
Black metal: Creation and intransigence
Your favorite album at the moment: The Devils Trade – The Call of the Iron Peak
BATUSHKA in 10 years: I have no idea,

Once again thanks for your time. The last words are yours – is there anything left you want to tell our readers?
Do not succumb to the all-encompassing superficiality.


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3 Kommentare zu “Batushka

    1. Hi! Worauf genau beziehst du dich? Also nicht, dass ich da grundsätzlich widersprechen würde, ich fände nur interessant, zu erfahren, woran du das konkret festmachst …

      1. Wenn man Panihida und Hospodi nebeneinander hört, ist selbst für jemanden, der kein Die-Hard-Batushka-Fan ist, sofort ersichtlich, wer von den beiden Protagonisten für Liturgiya verantwortlich war. Soviel also zu einem „natürlichen, kreativen Prozess, an dem die gesamte Band beteiligt war“.

        Und selbstverständlich muss Bart auch Panihida bashen, obwohl es schlicht und ergreifend das mit Abstand bessere Album ist. Er hätte auch sagen können, dass es ebenfalls ein gutes Album mit einem etwas anderen Ansatz ist, aber das wäre ja zu einfach gewesen…

        Und naja, die übliche Opfer-Rolle, die der Gute anschlägt. Das Album wurde nur wegen dem Split schlecht bewertet und mimimi…

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