Walls Of Jericho: Drummer Dustin Schoenhofer festgenommen

Den Angaben der Oregon State Police zufolge wurde Dustin Schoenhofer, der Schlagzeuger der Metalcore-Band WALLS OF JERICHO, letzte Woche im Zuge einer Verkehrskontrolle festgenommen. Schoenhofer wurde ursprünglich wegen eines Verstoßes gegen Verkehrsvorschriften angehalten, während der darauffolgenden Überprüfung fand man in seinem Truck etwa 300 Kilo Marijuana sowie etwa 20 Kilo Haschischöl.

Er selbst gab an, nichts davon gewusst zu haben, dass sich in seinem Fahrzeug Drogen befunden hatten. Schoenhofer wurde daraufhin festgenommen und im Klamath County Jail untergebracht. Seine Kaution beläuft sich auf $ 45.000,-.

Die örtliche Polizei postete dazu auf Instragram:


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Ohio man Arrested with large amount of Marijuana — Klamath County. On October 23, 2019 at about 3:00 pm, an Oregon State Police Trooper stopped a 2015 Chevy Pickup on Hwy 140E near milepost 15 for a traffic violation. During the traffic stop the Trooper obtained probable cause to search the vehicle. During the search the Trooper located 632.5 lbs of marijuana and 36.8 lbs of suspected BHO (Butane Honey Oil) extract. The driver was identified as Dustin R. Schoenhofer, age 41, from Ohio. Through the investigation, investigators learned the marijuana and BHO extract was destined for Ohio. Schoenhofer was lodged at the Klamath County Jail for Exporting Marijuana, Exporting Extract, Possession of a Controlled Substance-Marijuana, and Distribution of a Controlled Substance-Marijuana, Possession of a Controlled Substance-Extract, and Distribution of a Controlled Substance-Extract. The OSP Domestic Highway Enforcement (DHE) team routinely conducts illegal narcotic trafficking saturations throughout the state of Oregon. Their mission is to identify and disrupt all criminal conduct on Oregon highways and identify elements of drug trafficking organizations for further investigation and dismantling in cooperation with numerous law enforcement agencies not only in Oregon but several other locations within the United States.

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Publiziert am von Stephan Rajchl

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