UNLEASH THE ARCHERS haben das Musikvideo zum Song „The Matriarch“ vom kommenden Album „Apex“ veröffentlicht. Der Longplayer erscheint am 2. Juni über Napalm Records und markiert das zehnjährige Jubiläum der Band.
Brittney Slayes kommentiert: „This track is chapter three in the story, and in it we are introduced to our antagonist „The Matriarch“ in all her malevolent glory. We call this one our „quick banger“ because it’s fast, catchy, and fun, and hopefully it won’t take long to learn the words! It is sung from an omniscient point of view, drawing the listener in with tales of The Matriarch’s depravity. The best part is the bridge, because the song is so dark, and then it launches into this flowing wraithlike guitar melody that is so memorable, I sing along to it every time and I think the fans will too! Absolutely can not wait to play this one live ;)“
Tracklist „Apex“:
01. Awakening
02. Shadow Guide
03. The Matriarch
04. Cleanse The Bloodlines
05. The Coward’s Way
06. False Walls
07. Ten Thousand Against One
08. Earth And Ashes
09. Call Me Immortal
10. Apex