Tribulation arbeiten an neuem Album

Mit „The Children Of The Night“ feierten die Schweden von TRIBULATION im Jahr 2015 erste größere Erfolge und nun melden sie sich mit einigen Neuigkeiten zurück, denn neben den Arbeiten an einem neuen Album gibt es auch einen Besetzungswechsel. Schlagzeuger Jakob Ljungberg hat die Band verlassen. In einem kürzlich veröffentlichten Statement der Band heißt es:

„As the summer in the year of their lord 2017 draws near and the world in the north is again fully starting to wake from its slumber we, on the other hand, are forced to face an inevitable end in the departure of our drummer Jakob Ljungberg who has decided to leave the band. We have spent the last five years together through pain to heaven, in chaos to bliss! It’s been such a strange, wonderful, tiring and inspiring time and we would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for making this time the most important in the history of the band. We surely couldn’t have done it without you. We were like brothers even before the time of Tribulation and we certainly will be in the time after! Make sure to check out Jakob’s unique and most excellent band Second Sun ( where he sings and plays guitar.“

Einen Ersatz hat man jedoch bereits in Oscar Leander (Ex-Deathstars) gefunden und auch hierzu ein Statement veröffentlicht, in welchem auch erste Andeutungen bezüglich des Arbeitsbeginns für das Album gemacht werden.

„After this period of silence, renewal and contemplation the time has now come to give you the new Tribulation! We have now fully immersed ourselves in the making of a new album that will be recorded at summer’s end. We are very pleased to announce that Oscar Leander (previously in Deathstars) is our new drummer. He will make his first appearance with us on Muskelrock now on Thursday, June 1st! Are you ready? We are!“

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Publiziert am von Christoph Ilius

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