Transatlantic kündigen neues Album an

TRANSATLANTIC, die Prog-Supergroup um Mike Portnoy und Neal Morse, hat die Veröffentlichung ihres fünften Albums „The Absolute Universe“ angekündigt. Als Erscheinungsdatum wurde der 05.02.2021 benannt. Die Band hat zudem angekündigt, dass es zwei Versionen des Albums geben wird. Zum Einen wird es die „The Absolute Universe: The Breath Of Life (Abridged Version)“ geben und zum Anderen die „The Absolute Universe: Forevermore (Extended Version)“.

Mike Portnoy erklärt die Aufteilung in zwei Versionen so: „We’ve got two versions of this album. There is a two CD presentation, which is 90 minutes long, and a single one – that’s 60 minutes. However, the single CD is NOT merely an edited version of the double CD. They each contain alternate versions and even in some cases, new recordings. We wrote fresh lyrics and have different people singing on the single CD version tracks as compared to those on the double CD. Some of the song titles have also been changed, while others might remain the same, but compositionally what you’ll hear has been altered. You must appreciate that what we have done is unique. We revamped the songs to make the two versions different.“

Pete Trewavas fügt hinzu: „We did write some new music for the single CD. What’s more, there are also differences in the instruments used on some of the tracks across the two records.“

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Publiziert am von Christoph Ilius

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