Tool nehmen neue Platte auf

Fans von Alternative- und Progressive-Metal haben lange darauf gewartet: TOOL sind nach langen Jahren der Vorbereitung in ein Studio eingekehrt, um die Aufnahmen für ihr kommendes Album zu beginnen. Mit der Produktion wird Joe Baressi (Avenged Sevenfold, Volbeat, Slipknot) betraut. Wann der Nachfolger des 2006er Langeisens „10,000 Days“ erscheinen soll, ist noch nicht bekannt.

Hier findet ihr das Statement von der Facebook-Seite der Band im Originalwortlaut:

„Who’s ready for some major breaking news? Brace yourself; get ready… okay, here we go.
We are very excited to announce what is sure to be welcome news for both fans of TOOL and prog-metal enthusiasts in general. After all the years of writing and arranging (and re-arranging) at the band’s loft, I can at this time officially report that the guys have moved into a major studio where the recording process for the next album is about to begin in earnest. For the past few days the band members have been getting sonically adjusted to their new surroundings — dialing in the equipment settings and restaurant catering choices — in preparation for Danny [Carey, drums] to begin his tracking any time now — perhaps by the time that you read this!
I am also excited to announce that ‚evil‘ Joe Barresi will once again have his capable fingers at the engineering controls for what will certainly be another masterful TOOL offering by the talented team. Pinch yourself if you want, but I have been told that all systems are GO at this point for the upcoming sessions.
I will be posting periodic bits and pieces on the progress of the tracking once the guys get deeper into the recording process, and hope that all of you will keep checking back to the official website for these updates. In the meantime, be sure to also visit the individual band members‘ sites and socials (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.) for more inside glimpses as TOOL prepares for the next stage in their musical odyssey.“

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Publiziert am von Stephan Rajchl

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