THIRD ION haben bekannt gegeben, dass ihr neuer Sänger kein geringerer als der ehemalige ANNIHILATOR-Frontman Dave Padden ist. Padden ersetzt den voherigen Sänger Tyler Gilbert.
Die Band hat dazu folgendes Statement abgegeben:
„Sadly, after our last gigs, our singer Tyler informed us he was leaving the band. We loved having him, but his heart and passion lie with his own music. We wish him all the best, and good luck with his future! Right away we wasted no time and got right on the search for a new singer. Dave’s demo blew us away, and not to mention he has an incredible amount of experience! We have been sitting on this news since the summer, and after getting back from Vancouver this week, with a finished album worth of vocal tracks I am absolutely psyched to announce Dave Padden as the singer for THIRD ION!“