The Devil Wears Prada trennen sich von Schlagzeuger

Die US-amerikanische Metalcoreband THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA hat sich von ihrem Schlagzeuger Daniel Williams getrennt.
Auf ihrer Facebookseite schrieb die Band kurz und knapp: „With respect, we would like to let our fans know that Daniel is no longer in The Devil Wears Prada. We wish him nothing but the best with everything he does going forward.“

Williams selbst kommentierte den Ausstieg folgendermaßen: „I’m sure I’ll be getting a lot of questions today — I wish i was able to answer them. Just know that the fans are all that matter to me. Remember the good times and shows. And please keep in touch. I love you all. Cheers. As everyone knows — I’ve always loved to engage with fans. Now I can call you all friends instead. Say hi to me on the street in San Diego. And for those asking that have not gotten the update, I’m no longer a part of TDWP. Sorry for the confusion/lack of clarification.“

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Publiziert am von Simon Bodesheim

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