The Agonist gedenken David Bowie mit neuem Lyrics-Video

Am 30. September 2016 erschien „Five“, das aktuelle Album der kanadischen Melodic-Death-Metaller THE AGONIST via Napalm Records. Nun wurde im Nachhinein ein Lyrics-Video zu dem Track „The Man Who Fell To Earth“ veröffentlicht. Der Text wurde von David Bowie inspiriert.

Gitarrist Danny Marino über die Lyrics des Songs und den Bezug zu David Bowie:
„When the news broke this year of David Bowie’s death, it hit me pretty hard. Especially because of how his last album, ‚Blackstar‘, turned into more than just a new record but a swan song of an artist still breaking boundaries even today.
I had an instrumental that I knew was outside the box for THE AGONIST and felt I could make this a Bowie dedication.
I used a lyric-writing method called ‚cut-ups‘ that I had heard Bowie himself used. It is when you find books or magazines surrounding the topic you are writing about and cut out individual words, and rearrange them until it starts to form a story. I used album reviews of his last album that were written before it was known he was dying. In the end, the result comes out as a eulogy to be read at his funeral. I’m really happy with the dark vibe we achieved in studio with this one.“


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