Soilwork: Cover der Live-DVD veröffentlicht

Die Schweden von SOILWORK haben das Cover ihrer für den 13.03. angekündigten Live-DVD veröffentlicht (Metal1 berichtete). Zum Cover als auch zu den Aufnahmen äußerte sich Sänger Björn Strid wie folgt:

„We’re very proud to present the artwork for our upcoming live dvd/blu-ray! Once again we collaborated with Mircea Gabriel Eftemie to create visuals that would perfectly capture the unique vibe of this very special evening. »In The Heart Of Helsinki« is somewhat of a testimony of our career and the live action shots are mixed with a blast from the past, including a collage of SOILWORK memorabilia. I’ve always loved collages, especially on the inner sleeve of a vinyl. As for the cover, we wanted to capture that melancholic wintery feel that the Swedes and Finns have in common- not just emotionally but also culturally. It was appropriately cold during the big night and Mircea did a fantastic job recreating that eerie, magical feeling. Last but not least, don’t forget to read the liner notes! They tell the story of where we came from and where we are today. It will help you understand why it’s taken so long for us to finally get a live recording out. But hey, it’s only a matter of weeks now! We hope you’ll enjoy it as much as we do!“


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Publiziert am von Manuel Förderer

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