Silver Lake By Esa Holopainen: Cover und Tracklist mit Features

THE SILVER LAKE BY ESA HOLOPAINEN, das Soloprojekt des Amorphis-Gitarristen Esa Holopainen, haben weitere Informationen zum selbstbetitelten Debüt herausgegeben. Demnach erscheint das Album am 28. Mai über Nuclear Blast Records und wird von untenstehendem Cover geziert. Für das Projekt konnte Holopainen diverse Gastmusier gewinnen – die Tracklist gibt hier genauer Aufschluss:

1. Silver Lake (instrumental)
2. Sentiment (feat. Jonas Renkse of Katatonia)
3. Storm (feat. Håkan Hemlin of Nordman)
4. Ray Of Light (feat. Einar Solberg of Leprous)
5. Alkusointu (feat. Vesa-Matti Loiri)
6. In Her Solitude (feat. Tomi Joutsen of Amorphis)
7. Promising Sun (feat. Björn ‚Speed‘ Strid of Soilwork)
8. Fading Moon (feat. Anneke Van Giersbergen)
9. Apprentice (feat. Jonas Renkse of Katatonia)

Esa Holopainen gibt dazu noch zu Protokoll: „Over the last few years, I have been writing a lot of music, and some of the stuff hasn’t exactly sounded like Amorphis. Many times, when people think about a guitarist’s solo album, they get the impression of technical stuff with a huge amounts of notes played extremely fast. Well, I‘m not a big fan of that kind of music. Whenever I write, I always want to pile up interesting songs, and not just shred for the sake of it. At first, I really didn’t know if the album would turn out to be purely instrumental or would there be vocalists as well. However, one thing was certain, I wouldn’t be the singer of SILVER LAKE“,

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