Shining (Swe): Neuntes Album im Herbst

Die Schweden von SHINING veröffentlichen ihr mittlerweile neuntes Album „8 ½ – Feberdrömmar I Vaket Tillstånd“ am 23. September über Dark Essence Records und enthüllten bereits das Artwork:


Niklas Kvarforth äußerte sich wie folgt zu der Platte:
„8 ½ – Febedrömmar I Vaket Tillstånd“ consist of six songs from the „Livets Ändhållplats“ and „Angst“ era in their original pre-production versions, with newly recorded bass and guitars on top and the malevolent brilliance of Lars Fredrik Fröslie’s keyboard magic, which sadly we didn’t start using until the sixth album.Six vocalists whom we all find both inspiring and „otherworldly“ have blessed the album with their madness, some of them even in their native languages.At first, my initial thought was that it might turn out a bit too strange. But after hearing some of our classic songs in French, Hungarian and Norwegian I am certain the whole concept will please not only our loyal fan-base but even the contemptuous ones as well“.


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