Prominenter Doom-Metal-Neuzugang bei Nuclear Blast

Kürzlich wurde bekanntgegeben, dass die britischen Doom-Metal-Pioniere MY DYING BRIDE nun bei Nuclear Blast unter Vertrag stehen. Über dieses Label soll auch das kommende, dreizehnte Album der Band erscheinen.

Frontmann Aaron Stainthorpe kommentierte:
„It is with great pleasure that MY DYING BRIDE can announce they will be joining forces with the formidable Nuclear Blast Records in early 2017 and have already begun working on material for the next LP and singles.
It is no secret that Nuclear Blast have continued to expand greatly over the years, signing epic bands from all corners of the world and giving them the chance they deserve to make something of themselves in the ever expanding metal scene. And it’s time that MY DYING BRIDE came along for the ride.“

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Publiziert am von Stephan Rajchl

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