Origin präsentieren Cover und Tracklist

Die Technical-Death-Metal-Kombo ORIGIN lüftet das Artwork ihrer sechsten Platte „Omnipresent“, die ab dem 04. Juli via Agonia Records veröffentlicht wird. Es wurde von dem Künstler Colin Marks gestaltet, der bereits Alben von Nevermore, Kataklysm und Exodus kreierte.

Sänger Jason Keyser äußerte sich in einem Statement zu dem Artwork:
We were very happy to be able to work again with Colin Marks of Rain Song Design for the artwork of „Omnipresent“. He designed the art for our previous album, „Entity“, which had a barren, stripped down minimalism, but for „Omnipresent“ we wanted bigger. We were looking for something that would represent the total insignificance and helplessness of humanity to the impending doom of the universe that surrounds us at all times. It’s a strong running theme of the album lyrically, how our pride and arrogance can advance us as a species in so many ways, eventually conquering the unknown reaches of space, but ultimately we continue to exist only at the whim of the cold, indiscriminate forces that could snuff our sentient spark at any moment. The title of the album, „Omnipresent“, works perfectly with the artwork in the way that omnipresence does not come from expanding to new worlds and growing as a species, but only through being whittled down to a last living being alone in the universe. The final failed experiment of life has no comparison, it is the most powerful, only through our sentient extinction can we finally understand some sliver of godhood.

Außerdem geben die US-Amerikaner ebenfalls die Namen der Tracks bekannt:

o1. All Things Dead
o3. Permanence
o4. Manifest Desolate
o5. Absurdity Of What I Am
o6. Source Of Icon O
o7. Continuum
o8. Unattainable Zero
o9. Redistribution of Filth
10. Obsolescence
11. Malthusian Collapse
12. The Indiscriminate
13. Kill Yourself (S.O.D. Cover Song)

In welchen Formaten die CD erscheinen wird, könnt ihr dem folgenden Bild entnehmen:


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