Napalm Death erklären „Apex Predator – Easy Meat“

Anfang Oktober gaben NAPALM DEATH bekannt, dass ihr 15. Album „Apex Predator – Easy Meat“, welches den Nachfolger des vor zwei Jahren veröffentlichten „Utilitarian“ darstellt, am 26. Januar 2015 auf den Markt kommen wird (Metal1 berichtete).

Barney Greenway, der Sänger der britischen Grindcore-Band, äußerte sich zu dem Inhalt des Albums wie folgt: Sometimes you have to ponder long and hard for an album title, but following the Rana Plaza disaster of last year (collapse of a textile sweatshop building in Bangladesh), it spurred me on to try and craft an exposé of slave labour in the modern world (and the surrounding conditions propping it up).

Some in power like to declare that slavery is consigned to the history books. But if you look beneath the surface it is alive and well in many different forms – it just has a different face now, and exists in ways that may seem ethically ambiguous. Using the terminology of evolution particularly interests us, so in this case the ‚Apex Predator‘ represents those who bring the slavery to bear (and capitalise from it), and the ‚Easy Meat‘ is of therefore those who feel they have no option but to comply.


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