Mastodon: Doppelalbum in der Pipeline?

Wie Brent Hinds, Gitarrist der irgendwo zwischen Prog und Sludge musizierenden MASTODON, zuletzt verlauten ließ, könnte die kommende Scheibe ein Doppelalbum werden. Warum? Das berichtete er unseren Kollegen von der Guitar World, hier ein Auszug:

„It’s shaping up to be a double album. One is an album I wrote myself, and recorded with Brann and Troy during the ‘Once More ‘Round The Sun‘ sessions. My part is called ‘Cold Dark Place‘, and it has to do with a nasty breakup that I went through. I wrote some pretty dark, beautiful, spooky, funky, ethereal, melancholy music, which also sounds like the Bee Gees a little bit. The other guys are writing another album, which I haven’t even heard yet so I can’t tell you what it sounds like. But I’ll come in to give some noodle-y leads here and there.“


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