Lonely Robot zeigen Lyric-Video

LONELY ROBOT um Mastermind John Mitchell (Kino, Frost*, Arena, It Bites) werden ihr viertes Album „Feelings Are Good“ am 17. Juli 2020 über InsideOut Music veröffentlichen. Mit „Life Is A Sine Wave“ wurde jetzt der erste Song präsentiert. Die Visualisierung im Lyric-Video stammt von Miles Skarin (Crystal Spotlight).

John kommentiert: „‚Feelings Are Good‘ is a bit of a departure from the first three Lonely Robot albums. On ‚Feelings Are Good‘, I wanted to explore more personal themes and the songs are very much about individual experiences and narratives that I believe had been the cornerstones, good and bad, to my life. The long tall and short of it is that we’re back on planet Earth, and I have a personal lyrical axe to grind!


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01. Feelings Are Good
02. Into The Lo-Fi
03. Spiders
04. Crystalline
05. Life Is A Sine Wave
06. Armour For My Heart
07. Suburbia
08. The Silent Life
09. Keeping People As Pets
10. Army Of One
11. Grief Is The Price Of Love
12. The Silent Life (Orchestral Version)
13. Crystalline (Orchestral Version)

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Publiziert am von Christian Denner

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