Live-Konzert im Stream: Shining (NOR)

Zum ersten Mal seit 2013 werden die norwegischen SHINING um Frontmann Jørgen Munkeby ihr Erfolgsalbum „Blackjazz“ vom ersten bis zum letzten Track spielen. Die Show wird am 06.06.2020 im Heavy Water Plant in Vemork, Norwegen, stattfinden und 23 Uhr beginnen. Tickets können hierüber oder über die Bandseite bestellt werden.

Das Statement der Band im Original:

Live At The Heavy Water Plant

IMPORTANT: DEADLINE for getting tickets to Shining’s upcoming Blackjazz Streaming Show is June 1st!

Tickets now available for a very special Blackjazz streaming concert on June 6th!

The show will be streamed from between the old machine turbines in the iconic Heavy Water Plant at Vemork, Norway.

Get your ticket and a t-shirt and experience Shining playing the seminal Blackjazz album from start to finish for the first time since 2013!

PS: Everyone who purchase tickets will be contacted by us one week before the show with details on how to log on the stream.

Times for concert:

Oslo: 11 PM
London: 10 PM
New York: 5 PM
Los Angeles: 2 PM

For the first time since 2013 we’ll be playing our now classic industrial Blackjazz record from between the old turbines in the Machine Hall that Hitler occupied during WW2 in order to manufacture his atomic bomb. Luckily the whole plan was put to an end by heroic sabotage mission performed by a group of Norwegian rebels — a feat that helped slow down the Nazis and eventually pave the way for the final defeat of Hitler.

Now you can buy tickets and a special limited edition t-shirt only available for this streaming show!

Streaming Ticket: For one person
Family Ticket: For two or more persons watching together

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