Inferno-Festival findet erst 2022 wieder statt

Das norwegische INFERNO-Festival hat – wie zuvor schon etwa das Hellfest, das Vienna Metal Meeting und das Dark Easter Metal Meeting – für 2021 die Segel gestrichen: Wie die Veranstalter auch über Facebook bekanntgegeben haben, macht die Pandemie eine Festivalplanung für dieses Jahr unmöglich. Der neue Termin ist der 14.-17. April 2022. Diverse Bands aus dem bisherigen Billing wurden bereits für 2022 bestätigt.

„We are sorry to inform you that Inferno 2021 cannot be held as planned due to the covid-19 outlook and restrictions this spring.
We’d like to again thank all our partners, crew and volunteers for all their work and dedication for Inferno 2021 and we hope your all look forward to 2022.
Inferno 2022 will be held from April 14-17th 2022.
We’ve talked to the bands that were supposed to play in 2021 in order to offer them a spot for 2022. We would like to thank all the bands that want to come back in 2022. So far we’ve confirmed the following:
Kreator, Mayhem, Venom, Ihsahn, Kampfar, Ved Buens Ende, Vreid, Cadaver, Myrkskog, Entombed AD, Oranssi Pazuzu, Asphyx, Benighted, Bølzer, Dark Fortress, Tulus, Whoredom Rife, Djerv, Hamferd, Dyscarnate, The Great Old Ones, Solbrud, 1914, Sylvaine, Asagraum, Nyrst, Isvind, From The Vastland, Regarde Les Hommes Tomber, Nachash, Xenoblight, Ulvehyrde, Kosmos Brenner, Sovereign, Gnida, Eridu, Zifir
If you want to move your ticket to 2022 you can sit still and do nothing as 2020/21 tickets will automatically be valid for 2022.
If you want to get a refund for your ticket we will have a refund period from March 1st. Further details on how to proceed to get a refund will be sent to all ticket holders by e-mail at that date. Those of you that purchased using Ticketmaster will get an e-mail with instructions from the venue, Rockefeller and those who purchased using PayPal will get an e-mail from the festival with instructions.
Those that have booked a room at the official festival hotel will get a voucher from the hotel for the amount you paid. To get a voucher contact their booking service at
We look forward to seeing you all again in 2022.“


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