Iced Earth mit Lyric-Video

ICED EARTH haben das offizielle Lyric-Video zum Song „Raven Wing“ veröffentlicht, der am 16. Juni auf dem kommenden Album „Incorruptible“ über Century Media erscheinen wird. Das Artwork und die Illustrationen zu den einzelnen Songs stammen von David Newman-Stump (Skeleton Crew Tattoo) und Roy Young.

Jon Schaffer über die Lyrics: „There is no concept on this record; it’s just ten individual tracks not related to each other. Actually, on ‚Plagues Of Babylon‘ [2014], it was only the first six that were related to the ‚Something Wicked‘ story; it was like a zombie apocalypse within the ‚Something Wicked‘ framework. But this album, it’s just ten individual songs. We have one called ‚Clear The Way‘, which is about the Irish Brigade at the Battle Of Fredericksburg — very tragic, actually — but that’s a big epic, like ten minutes; and then we have one called ‚Black Flag‘, which is a pirate song. It’s quite a… I think I pulled it off pretty well with the lyrics, to be able to tell such a big story in a very short amount of time. I think it’s gonna be a highlight of the record. And then on [the last European] tour, [we opened] the show with a new song that will be the opener on the album — it’s called ‚Great Heathen Army‘ — that’s got a Viking kind of a vibe to it. So there’s a lot of different things, and none of it’s really related. There’s one called ‚Raven Wing’… I can’t really think of all of them righ now… ‚Seven Headed Whore‘ — that’s one that’s actually pretty brutal; it’s like a total kick in the balls. But, you know, there’s a lot of varied emotions on this, and it’s cool stuff, man.“


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01. Great Heathen Army
02. Black Flag
03. Raven Wing
04. The Veil
05. Seven Headed Whore
06. The Relic (Part 1)
07. Ghost Dance (Awaken The Ancestors)
08. Brothers
09. Defiance
10. Clear The Way (December 13th, 1862)

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Publiziert am von Christian Denner

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