Hammerfall haben eine neue Heimat

Die einst als Retter des Metal gepriesenen Schweden HAMMERFALL haben beim österreichischen Label Napalm Records eine neue Heimat gefunden. Das Label kündigte in diesem Zusammenhang auch gleich eine weltweite Kampagne zur Vermarktung des zehnten Werkes, welches am 04. November 2016 erscheinen soll, an.

HAMMERFALL-Sänger Joacim Cans sagte: „After two exciting decades in the line of metal duty I feel that signing with Napalm Records is the necessary step we need to take in order to grow as a band and reach the next level. Even-though we’ve been around for such a long time we are still hungry and craving for more. There are still territories left to conquer and metal hymns left to write. In the past Napalm has proven to be a very strong and reliable label with great success and chart entries with bands like W.A.S.P., Monster Magnet, Kamelot and Powerwolf.“

In weiteren Statements äußerten sich Oscar Dronjak: „HammerFall has been very successful and happy with Nuclear Blast for almost 20 years, but in order for us to continue to grow as a band and reach new heights we needed a fresh challenge. This felt like a right and necessary step at this point in our careers, in order to keep moving forward and upward at a high speed. We view this label change as an opportunity to create something special, and firmly believe our best times are still ahead of us. That’s why we’re very, very excited to work with the people at Napalm Records for our upcoming, 10th studio album!“

und Napalm-Geschäftsführer Thomas Caser: „The signing of this extraordinary band is the major milestone for Napalm Records. HammerFall’s signing unlocks a lifetime achievement for all of us at Napalm Records, but also for me personally as well! We put all of our efforts into making this happen as a team, as we believe HammerFall are one of the Greatest Heavy Metal Bands of All Time, and this is just the start of a huge world-wide campaign. Fans can feel rest assured that we will spare no efforts to make HammerFall bigger than they have ever been!“

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Publiziert am von Christoph Ilius

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