Hail Of Bullets sind Geschichte

Die holländische Death-Metal-Kriegsmaschine HAIL OF BULLETS hat ihre Auflösung bekanntgegeben. Das geht aus einem Facebook-Post von gestern Abend sowie einer Mitteilung auf der offiziellen Website hervor. Das vollständige Statement im O-Ton liest sich wie folgt:


With sadness in our hearts, we hereby inform you that we have decided to pull the plug on Hail of Bullets. The patient had been suffering from illness for a few years already. We thought we had cut out the disease a few years ago, but apparently the tumor was more widespread than we had expected.
There are no immediate plans to resurrect the corpse…

PS: personal messages/questions about this situation will not be answered. This is it, and both you and us will have to deal with that…“

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