Die türkische Metalcore-Band GRAPES IN THE MOUTH hat kürzlich einen Vertrag mit dem britischen Label Hostile Media unterzeichnet und verrät jetzt erste Album-Details. „We Are Nothing“ wurde in den DDos Studios ihres Gitarristen Serdost Gezgin aufgenommen, gemixt und gemastert. Der Longplayer erscheint am 27. September 2019.
Sänger Barkın Ege Tekkökoğlu kommentiert: „The recording process was challenging. As human beings we see ourselves in the centre of the universe, we are not. We Are Nothing embraced that kind of perspective. To expand, while we rage like lightning or have hope on the next sun rising, Polaris (The North Star) stays where it is and has led our way throughout history… The album has 13 songs, each with a symbol. These symbols are linked to song’s lyrical content and meaning. We used naturally occurring events and natural elements in symbols to emphasise the power of the universe and our weakness… essentially saying… we are nothing.“