Gorgoroth: True Norwegian Urheberrechtsstreit

2/3 von GORGOROTH (Gaahl und King) meldeten sich in folgendem Statement zur Veröffentlichung von „Live in Grieghallen“ deutlich zu Wort.

Demnach darf das Album mit sofortiger Wirkung nicht mehr verkauft werden:

„Swedish court authorities (Malmö tingrett) have sided with Gorgoroth copyright holders King and Gaahl to successfully stop Regain Records distribution of the unauthorized „Live in Grieghallen“ album.

Regain Records has been ordered to stop selling this album and is at risk of large fines if they do not cease doing so immediately.

Regain has broken the contracts made with Gaahl and King. They have illegally removed Kings bass tracks and mixed the recordings without the knowledge of Gaahl and King.

Gorgoroth plans on taking further legal action against Regain Records on this matter.“

Quelle: gorgoroth.org

Geschrieben am von Metal1.info

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