Fleshgod Apocalypse mit neuem Video

Die italienische Symphonic-Death-Band FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE haben zu ihrem Song „Epilogue“ ein Video gedreht; der Song befindet sich auf dem diesen Sommer veröffentlichen Album „Labyrinth“. Die Band äußerte sich zum fertiggestellten Video wie folgt:

„We are really proud of the results obtained with this new video, both technically and artistically talking. Together with our good friend and director Salvatore Perrone, we decided to experience a completely different way of shooting from the previous videos, using almost only sliders and craigs that give a very cinematographic style to the whole thing. We chose the song „Epilogue“ since we consider it a very important song for the band. In fact, on a musical level, it contains some of the more particular elements of the whole album, for which regards the riffing and the arrangements. On the other hand, the song summarises the whole concept contained in „Labyrinth“, bringing up the deepest meanings of fear, and the way they reflect on our relationships; to represent this, we used Tommaso and Veronica as two main characters that interact with each other, exactly like it happens in the live shows. As usual, we want to thank everybody who contributed to the making of this video, and all the people supporting Fleshgod Apocalypse.”


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Publiziert am von Manuel Förderer

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