Five Finger Death Punch: Ivan Moody dementiert Ausstieg

Es wird nicht ruhiger um FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH. Erst vor wenigen Tagen wurde bekannt, dass die Band Klage gegen ihr Lable Prospect Park eingereicht hat. Nun gibt es erneute Unruhe. Nach einem Interview von Sänger Ivan Moody mit dem US-Amerikanischen Radiosender 106.7 KBPI verbreitete sich die Nachricht, Moody wolle die Band Ende 2017 verlassen und sich auf seine neue Band Villain konzentrieren. Doch nur kurze Zeit nach der Veröffentlichung wurde das Interview wieder von der Internetseite von KBPI entfernt.

Stattdessen meldet sich Moody nun über die Homepage von 5FDP zu Wort. In seinem Statement spricht der Sänger von den Schwierigkeiten, mit denen er und seine Bandkollegen im letzten Jahr zu kämpfen hatten und räumt ein, ein Nebenprojekt in Angriff nehmen zu wollen. Er dementiert jedoch, FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH verlassen zu wollen. Seine Aussagen seien aus dem Kontext gerissen und falsch interpretiert worden.

Lest hier das komplette Statement:

“It’s no secret that this has been a tough year for me and for my bandmates in Five Finger Death Punch. When you put everything you have into making music, both on and off the stage, it can be very frustrating when the music you work so hard to create is not allowed to see the light of day. I know we share this frustration with our fans too, who have come to expect new music from us – fans who mean everything to us. It is true that Five Finger Death Punch has come to a crossroads – and that crossroads is we’re all at a place where we will never again let someone or something hold us back from making music for our fans.  

The lawsuit by Prospect Park holding our new album hostage has taken a toll on me. I was in a rehabilitation facility when Prospect Park decided to sue the band last year, and that was very difficult for me to handle all at once.

Yesterday I made a statement that was taken out of context by the media – a media always looking to create headlines that will make people click them. The truth is, I want to start a side-project like Corey Taylor has with Stone Sour or Maynard has with A Perfect Circle and I want to do it when Five Finger Death Punch’s deal with Prospect Park is over and we are out of this lawsuit.  


The great thing about being a musician today is that you can explore your creativity in multiple ways without compromising your primary focus.  I learned this watching people like Corey and Maynard and I think their fans are glad they’ve put more music out into the world. I hope my fans are, too.  

All that said, Five Finger Death Punch fans can expect our next album via Prospect Park and we are geared up to tour all throughout 2017.  We are about to leave for South America and Europe and we have other dates TBD.  

All of us in the band have worked incredibly hard over the last 10 years to build this band and none of us are going to let that go just because our record company is trying to sabotage us.  I am sorry if the media took my statement as a resignation, but I assure you it wasn’t.”

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