Evocation präsentieren „The Coroner“

Die schwedischen Death-Metaller EVOCATION werden am 10. März 2017 ihr neues Album „The Shadow Archetype“ über Metal Blade Records herausbringen. Nun wurde bereits vorab ein offizieller Stream zu dem Track „The Coroner“ ins Netz gestellt. Ihr findet ihn weiter unten.

Gitarrist Marko Palmen über den Song: ‚The Coroner‘ is in my eyes a classic Swedish Death Metal track in the sense that it incorporates a lot of fast 2-beat verses alongside some cool double bass drum parts. What makes this track stand out in comparison with the rest of the album and perhaps also other Death Metal tracks is that it’s tuned down to flat-A (flat-B tuning on the rest of the album). The down tuning of the guitars and the BOSS HM-2 pedal buzzsaw tone makes the riffs on ‚The Coroner‘ sound as if they were forged by Lucifer himself in hell… The track also features in my opinion the best guitar solo on the entire album. Simon really managed to capture the tracks feeling with his melancholic guitar solo. This is definitely one of my favourite tracks on ‚The Shadow Archetype‘!


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Publiziert am von Stephan Rajchl

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