Endstille: M.D. mit persönlichem Statement und Spendenaufruf

ENDSTILLE-Drummer M.D. hat sich in einem Statement via Facebook für den großen Zuspruch der Fans bedankt, nachdem am 25. Dezember 2023 sein Sohn im Alter von nur vier Jahren verstorben ist. Weiterhin ruft er zu Spenden für die Deutsche Kinder Krebs Hilfe auf. Hier das Statement:

M.D. is writing these lines…
Hi there!
Thank you all for your overwhelming birthday wishes in the last few days.
Many of you know, that I’m going through hard times. My son died at the age of 4 on December 25. He died from a kind of consequences of his leukemia/ chemotherapy. We never thought that this could happen…
Now, my wife, daughter and I are trying to come back to a so-called normal life. That’s really hard. We miss him so much every day!!!
I made up a Facebook donation for the German Children’s Cancer Charity (Deutsche Kinder Krebs Hilfe). Many people donated money. More than I expected! Thank you all. If you like, keep it going…
And again, THANK YOU ALL! 🖤

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