Devildriver: Neuer Song

„Trust No One“, das neue Album der amerikanischen Groove-/Melodic-Death-Metaller DEVILDRIVER erscheint am 13. Mai 2016 via Napalm Records. Nun könnt ihr euch bereits im Vorhinein den Song „My Nightsky“ anhören, ihr findet ihn gleich im Anschluss.

Frontmann Dez Fafara über den Track: „“My Night Sky“… about a negative person trying to literally ruin the night as heard by the line „you’ve poisoned the wine and it’s my night“… And instead turning it around on them , showing them a mirror of themselves as heard in the first line of the verse „desperate in your sadness so wear black cloth“. Showing that person that it’s indeed their own negative thoughts of themselves that are not only ruining the night but in fact their life ….SMACK!”


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Publiziert am von Stephan Rajchl

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