Body Count unterschreiben bei neuem Label

BODY COUNT, die Crossover-Metaller um Frontann Ice-T, haben kürzlich einen Vertrag bei Century Media Records unterschrieben. Die Band ist bereits mit Produzent Will Putney im Studio, um den Nachfolger zum 2014er Album „Manslaughter“ aufzunehmen.

Leadsänger Ice-T über den Vertrag und das neue Album: „It’s cool to be a member of the Century Label Group alongside such a lot of well-established metal artists.
With our last album, ‚Manslaughter‘, we tested the waters and got a great response from the fans and critics. Now it’s time to go kill it and make a more aggressive album and keep the BODY COUNT style intact.
Will Putney is like a member of the band and has an excellent ear. He’s a great producer because he captures the true essence of our band’s sound. Once we are done writing the song, it’s his job to step in and make it sound better. He helps move the record in the right direction. We’re anticipating working with him again.
Once the record’s done, we’re going to shoot a lot of music videos and perform spot-dates on certain tests, etc.“

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Publiziert am von Stephan Rajchl

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