Bloodred Hourglass mit neuer Single und passendem Video

Die finnischen Melodic Death Metaller BLOODRED HOURGLASS haben eine neue Single aus ihrem kommenden Album veröffentlicht. Der Song trägt den Namen „Nightmares Are Dreams Too“ und hat auch gleich ein passendes Video verpasst bekommen.

Guitarist Lauri Silvonen kommentiert den neuen Song so: „‚Nightmares Are Dreams Too‘ is a mixture of heavy riffs, clean guitars, and beautiful leads that create a wistful but aggressive atmosphere. This straightforward song also carries a straightforward message: if you lack knowledge and don’t have anything constructive to say, just rather keep your opinions to yourself. All in all“ Nightmares Are Dreams Too“ sums up big melodies, heavy grooves, and solid words while offering the first glimpse of how Bloodred Hourglass blends metalcore elements to their signature melodeath sound! And adds about the inspiration for the songwriting on this third single: „It’s the balance of keeping it simple yet interesting while also bringing forth some fresh elements. Obviously, stupidity of people is a never-ending source too.“

Über das Video selbst sagt die Band: „Since we had some line-up changes after the last album, „Godsend“ we wanted to do another video highlighting the band. Instead of just a traditional playing video, we added some other elements there too!“


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