At The Gates verlieren Gitarristen

AT THE GATES, Schwedens Institution in Sachen Melodic Death Metal, haben verkündet, dass Gitarrist Anders Björler die Band verlässt. Auf der Facebook-Seite der Band ist ein ausführliches Statement zu lesen, in dem es unter anderem heißt:

„So, it is now official that Anders Björler is no longer a part of At The Gates. He will always be part of the At The Gates family, of course, but he will no longer write, record or play with us live.
This is something that we, the rest of the band, have felt was on its way for quite some time, as that special spark was no longer with him the last year.“

Auch Anders Björler selbst hat sich auf der Seite geäußert.

„Just a quick note to let everybody know that I am leaving At The Gates permanently. The passion is just gone. There might be a more lengthy statement in the future, but at the moment I feel no need to explain further. This is a personal decision, and it has 100% to do with the music side of things. The reunion in 2008, and the subsequent tours, as well as the comeback album ’AT WAR WITH REALITY’, really helped revisiting our friendship, and it brought us together in a way I will always remember and cherish. I would also like to thank all the people that supported us throughout the reunion shows as well as the ’AT WAR WITH REALITY’ album. Thanks a lot!“

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Publiziert am von Christoph Ilius

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