As I Lay Dying: Tim Lambesis muss Halloween alleine feiern

Der Zerfall von AS I LAY DYING geht in die nächste Runde: Mit Gitarrist Phil Sgrosso hat nun auch das letzte Mitglied des bisherigen Line-ups die Band verlassen, einzig Sänger und Bandkopf Tim Lambesis verbleibt jetzt noch.

In seinem Statement schreibt Sgrosso, dass AS I LAY DYING für niemand der daran Beteiligten noch ein sicheres oder gesundes Umfeld wäre – weder auf kreative, persönliche oder professionelle Weise. Von daher müsse er sich nach 21 Jahren komplett davon distanzieren. Dabei drückt er auch seine Solidarität für die bereits ausgestiegenen Mitglieder aus.

Anbei das englische Originalstatement:
„Hey everyone,

Thank you for your patience as I took time to gather my thoughts before speaking on the current state of As I Lay Dying.

With recent events, including the departure of band members and the cancellation of our European tour ahead of a new album release, it’s clear we’re in a difficult and serious situation.

Simply put, recent actions have shown that As I Lay Dying no longer offers a healthy or safe environment for anyone involved—whether creatively, personally, or professionally. After witnessing some concerning patterns of behavior, I’ve realized that I can no longer, in good conscience, enable further actions that could negatively affect anyone working within this space.

For these reasons, I feel it’s in my best interest to completely distance myself, both creatively and personally, from As I Lay Dying.

I also want to share my full support for Ryan, Ken, and Nick, who made the choice to step away recently. I’m grateful for our accomplishments and friendship over the past 3 years.

With 21 years that I have dedicated to this band, it does not sit well with me to leave or abandon what I’ve considered to be my “life’s work.” I don’t feel that I, or others, should be forced out like so many have in the past.

After all that’s been put into this, I believe that with the right adjustments and restructuring, our music can continue to thrive and explore new possibilities in a healthier environment.

Over time, As I Lay Dying has been held back by dysfunction, and I feel that it’s no longer my responsibility to bear that burden.

Thank you to everyone who has shown support for me and the music of As I Lay Dying. I’m looking forward to putting my energy and creativity into new, more positive ventures in the near future.

-Phil Sgrosso“



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Kürzlich hat sich auch Dany Lambesis, die Ehefrau von Tim Lambesis, geäußert. Nachdem Missbrauchsvorwürfe ihr gegenüber verbreitet worden waren, hat sie nun klar gestellt, dass ihr Mann sie nie körperlich verletzt hat.



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