Animierte Bilder von Foul Body Autopsy

Das britische Ein-Mann-Projekt FOUL BODY AUTOPSY hat ein animiertes Video zu „Perpetuated By Greed“, dem Titelstück der aktuellen EP veröffentlicht.

In einem Kommentar von Tom Reynolds heißt es: „People may be pleased to know that this video is a little more tame in comparison to the ‚So Close To Complete Dehumanization‘ video I released with the last record. It turned quite a few heads, so it served its purpose I guess. For this release I wanted to think of something different. As it’s only me in the band, you have to think of new ways to release video and hold interest. I could have done a performance style video, but like I said, it’s just me in the band, and there’s only so much you can do with that type of video. I’ve always liked Costin’s work so I got in touch to see if he would like to work with me on creating an animated video. There’s a story in the lyrics so he had plenty to work with and so I left it to his imagination to flesh it out. He came back a few weeks later and showed me what he’d done and I have to say I’m really happy with the final cut.“


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Publiziert am von Christoph Ilius

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