Die amerikanischen Atmospheric-Black-Metaller ABIGAIL WILLIAMS starten mit den Aufnahmen für ihr sechstes Studioalbum. Dieses soll im Laufe des kommenden Jahres über Agonia Records veröffentlicht werden. Frontmann und Gitarrist Ken Sorcerer läutet die Studio-Phase mit den folgenden Worten ein:
„After two long years of contemplation, we’ve finally returned to the studio to revisit and refine our upcoming album. The path we’ve walked on this creative journey has had plenty of ups and downs, but our determination to get it right has never wavered. We’re aiming for a tentative release in late spring/early summer. Crafting music worth sharing has taught us that time, patience, and meticulous care are essential. We’ve spared no effort to ensure that this album lives up to the exceptional quality of ‚Walk Beyond The Dark.‘ We’re truly grateful for your unwavering support, and we hope you’ll find it worth the wait when the album finally lands in your hands. Stay tuned for updates as we labor to bring you our most authentic work yet.“