Alter Bridge: Lyrics-Video-Premiere

Am 7. Oktober 2016 wird das neue Album der Alternative-Rocker ALTER BRIDGE via Napalm Records unter dem Titel „The Last Hero“ veröffentlicht. Im Vorhinein könnt ihr euch schon jetzt ein Lyrics-Video zu dem Song „My Champion“ anhören, welches ihr gleich im Anschluss findet.

Frontmann Myles Kennedy gab zudem Aufschluss über die Lyrics des Tracks: „The lyric was actually inspired by thinking back to my situation as a kid. I was this really small, underdeveloped kid who had to work extremely hard to keep up with all of my peers. It was very frustrating. I would hear a lot of words of encouragement from parents, coaches, or teachers though. A lot of those things were stored away, and they manifested themselves in this song. I’ve been able to apply some of those concepts in my life a thousand times over since then.“


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