Wormed: Schlagzeuger verstorben

Wie die spanischen Death-Metaller heute über Facebook bekanntgaben, ist WORMED-Schlagzeuger Guillermo Calero vergangenen Freitag verstorben. Hier das Statement der Band im O-Ton:

We have just received a devastating new; with great regret we have to inform you that G-Calero (Guillermo Calero) passed away last Friday.

From WORMED we want to give our deepest condolences to his family, to his closest friends and colleagues. We still can’t believe this has happened. We’re still shocked to know that our friend and bandmate has left so suddenly.

Guille, wherever you are brother you will always be with us, you have been and will always be part of our little family. We love you friend, and we will never forget all the great moments we have lived together! Soon we will meet with you in that damn vacuum called cosmos.

(Guillermo Calero ‚G-CALERO‘ 1990-2018)

All promoters who have booked dates with the band: Soon we’ll take decisions about it. Thank you for your consideration in these hard days.

R. i. P. G-Calero!

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