Im kommenden Herbst erscheint eine Dokumentation über Niklas Kvarfoths Sicht auf das Thema „Geisteskrankheit“. In „Cold Void“ porträtiert der Art House Produzent Claudio Marion den SHINING-Fronter und gibt dabei Einblicke in dessen Leben und Krankheit. Marino selbst sagt über die Zusammenarbeit:
“I’ve known about Niklas and his music for a long time. His story interested me and I wanted to know more about him as a person. I did some research and we got in contact. I showed him my documentary trilogy ‘Blood and Spirit’ and he was interested in working with me. We got along from the start and he proved to be very cooperative. He was brutally honest, and never left any of my questions unanswered”.
Seht hier den ersten Trailer zu „Cold Void“