Seven Kingdoms: Lyrics-Video zu „Stargazer“

Am 5. Mai 2017 werden die amerikanischen Power-Metaller SEVEN KINGDOMS ihre neue Platte „Decennium“ über Napalm Records veröffentlichen. Nun wurde zu dem Album-Opener „Stargazer“ ein eigenes offizielles Lyrics-Video ins Netz gestellt, welches ihr gleich im Anschluss findet.

Die Band über den Track und die Geschichte dahinter: “This was one of the first songs to come together on „Decennium“. Like many of the songs, this was originally a different concept that morphed into what it is. I have always been fascinated by Space and the idea that there is more out there that we do not understand. The song tackles the ideas of what lies beyond, and asks the questions that we all want to know. There was a scene in one of the more recent Star Trek movies where they were flying into a Volcano to save a primitive civilization from extinction. They accidentally got ’seen‘ by the tribe, and because of their lack of understanding, they essentially started drawing the shapes of the USS Enterprise in the sand as if to document history. This concept could apply to real life with Ancient Cave Paintings and the whole Ancient Alien stuff. To me its fascinating!  Being a Sci-Fi fan, this is a thought that has always been in my head. What if we are that civilization? What if our ancestors experianced the same thing? We actually don’t really know… until then we should „question the unknown“ and continue driving humanity forward, eventually into the stars…”


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